All the activities in our association have been the result of a suggestion by members.

This exciting new project is no exception, it arose from a question by an AYB Broker in Italy, Vito De Simone.

You can help too ! We need content to test and prove the system works properly so it will help if you add your listings to the site. Also your observations and suggestions are most welcome, to help us get it right.

At present the site is closed to the public, but any member can get past that.

Use the contact form for your request and we’ll open your account on the site, you will be able to log in and once logged in you can see the site. Edit your profile and ….add your listings !

There’s still a bunch of technical stuff to be sorted, but most of the front end is completed and you should be able to post and view all listings.

We  know you are busy guys, but this will help us all and your listings will be there at the opening if you put them on now.