Apply To Join AYB


It is free to join AYB here. 

As a provisional member

AYB then will confirm your Activity, Internet presence  and reputation,

after which you may become an Accredited Provisional Member.

You then have 30 days to decide whether to become a Certified Professional Member, or revert to provisional status.

Certified Professional members  will be required to pay membership dues in the currency of your choice and to confirm your acceptance of the AYB Code of Practice


As a certified professional member of AYB, you will

  • be listed  in the AYB Directory,
  • appear on the world map and
  • have access to a dedicated private web page,
  • where you find a variety of useful downloads,
  • including your personal membership certificate.
  • Advertise all your listings online free of charge as an AYB member
  • and YACHTS CLASSIFIEDS the unique AYB  network of 60 Classes, hosted by Facebook

To see more, select Benefits in the menu

APPLY to join now.