COVID special Earn money from NFT’s

While many normal activities are curtailed and AYB Yacht Brokers are spending more time than usual at home, with time to spare and  bills to pay, here is a possible way to turn that time to profit.

Do you wonder what all the fuss is about NFT’s ?

The Houseboat Centre research team has been on the case on your behalf to see what might be in it for you.

NFT’s are Non Fungible Tokens. They are defined digital entitities that cannot be forged or stolen. They use the same Blockchain technology as Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies to ensure that the real owner has secure ownership and access.

There are two ways to profit from NFT’s, obne is to buy a freshly minted NFT and wait for it to rise in value because of it’s scarcity.

The other is to create an NFT yourself, which can be costly and complex.

AYB is creating NFT’s for you to invest in, ensuring that the artwork is of high quality and the subjects sympathetic, without being childish cartoons. This being the best way to ensure future growth in value.

AYB is a not-for-profit organisation for Yacht Brokers and other Marine Leisure professionals. AYB conducts original research and publishes conclusions of value to our members and the Yachting community world-wide. Through AYB Reach Out, AYB administers the Facebook integrated network of Forty “Yachts for Sale” Groups. AYB is funded by modest subscriptions, donations and some commissions. This collection has been created to fund the AYB Covid relief fund. All items in this collection are from genuine, high-quality, fine art originals. only 1000 of each will be created. Each will be sold at below current market valuation and will inevitably increase in value with time

Each NFT is unique and will only have one owner (at a time). You can sell it it any time to realise your profit, which is expected to be way more than Unit Trusts or Banks can deliver..

To buy or create NFT’s you will need a wallet account. We strongly recommend Metamask.

To proceed, go to

N.B. we strongly recommend that you use the links on this page, there are fake sites being created all the time that try to get access to your passwords, accounts and money.

download the app and connect it to your browser. (If you have been following our recommendations , you will be using Chrome browser)

You can invest in an AYB NFT here…

From an original oil on Canvas by A.A. Glendening (1840-1921) The River Thames runs through over one hundred miles of famously beautiful English countryside and is much loved by many, particularly those who enjoy boating there. This NFT is classified as “Very Rare” . Only 100 are offered at this price of one fifth of the current market valuation. Each week there will be a further release, at a higher price each week, until all 1000 are offered. Yours is bound to appreciate with time and your investment will contribute to the work AYB carries out.

AYB has created a collection of 12 rare Hippopotami drawings.

Given humorous names, they are notwithstanding, superb works of art with meticulous details and vivid expressions. Precisely why they were selected as most likely to both stand the test of time and appreciate rapidly.

A joy to own, you can select  how rare you can afford to invest.

We have organised everything to enable the beginner to invest securely First you will need to create a Metamask account to deal in Etheriums and NFT’s

Here is a guide to rarity and values.

                                                                                                                 Â£ approx on 31/01/2022

Unique                      1 edition                       eth 2                                  £4000

Super rare                10 editions                    eth 1.75447                       £3510

Extremely Rare                         100 editions                  eth 0.41766                        £835

Very Rare                     1000 editions                eth  0.16687                       £334  

Rare                       10000  editions            eth  0.0867                        £173