User Group – Directory

AYB Member's Profile

Complete the first four fields to join. Others are optional and can be edited later.

The first 4 fields are needed to join Associated Yacht Brokers. Once you have completed entering these ESSENTIAL DETAILS, you could skip down to the save button below. All other details can be added by editing your profile later. Input as much ACCURATE detail as possible.

To present your profile professionally you are advised to complete the following 7 fields.

The Country drop down above will get your profile included in SEARCH. In addition GET ON THE MAP! You are strongly advised to complete your address carefully. The following address fields will automatically place your profile on the world map

Your Website URL must start with https://

For next 2 Fields you must first have joined this group ~

Copy and paste RECENT LISTINGS into next field where it shows "LINK TEXT" for URL, go to ~ . in menu select "people" . In the search field type your own facebook name. When you have found your name, click on it to reach your recent listings page. copy the URL of your page into the field which shows URL

Size Restrictions: Please make sure the image size is equal to or larger than 150 by 150 pixels.

Later, you can login and update profile and cover images, Hover over image while viewing "My Profile".

NEXT Select the SUBMIT button below.